
LowBlue Lights Sleep & Computer Glasses – Junior Novelists, Non-Fitover

Original price was: $88.95.Current price is: $48.95. CAD

Ruby-Red Children’s Sleep Glasses Non-Fitover––These children’s Sleep Glasses are a smaller version of our Novelists but are sized for adolescents as young as five or six years of age.  Their lenses and frame are contoured to reduce the incidence of peripheral light.

Click Here to view a graph showing exactly which parts of the light spectrum this product blocks.


Blue Light-Blocking Sleep & Computer Glasses by LowBlueLights. Like all of our blue light blockers, our amber sleep glasses block 100% of harmful blue light, to encourage healthy sleep.


Why Use LowBlueLights Products? Melatonin, often called the sleep hormone or hormone of darkness, is produced by the brain’s master hormone regulator, the pineal gland, for up to twelve hours each day. Melatonin is also an important antioxidant crucial in fighting many serious diseases. Normal production occurs only while your eyes remain in darkness. Nighttime exposure to artificial light from sources such as room lighting, televisions, computers, tablets or smartphones delays the start of the pineal gland’s production cycle. However it’s now known that blue light is the primary culprit that causes melatonin suppression. LowBlueLights unique eyewear, lighting products and filters are designed to prevent blue light from ever reaching your eyes. When used in the hours leading to bedtime, LowBlueLights products promote maximum melatonin production which will improve your sleep & overall health.

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